7800 S Champlain Ave
Marcus & Millichap is pleased to present this multi-family real estate opportunity in the Chatham neighborhood of Chicago. The subject property of 7800 South Champlain Avenue is located 11.4 miles south of Chicago's downtown loop area, one mile east of the Dan Ryan Expressway, 1.1 miles east of the CTA's 79th Street Red Line train station, and 0.9 miles west of the Metra Electric 79th Street train station. The unit mix for the subject property consists of of eight one-bedroom one-bathroom units that measure 650 square feet and two two-bedroom one-bathroom units that measure 900 square feet respectively.
The neighborhood of Chatham is one of the 77 community areas within the city of Chicago. The subject property is just blocks from a major retail and shopping corridor of 79th street. There are plenty of restaurants and neighborhood shopping centers within walking distance from the subject property. The neighborhood has the distinction of being the only neighborhood in Chicago that developed from a European American middle-class community.